Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Cocks'N'Locks at Deviant on Sunday

Things have come on a long way since the days when I used to lock brave guys in a steel cock cuff from fetters. It seems almost everyone now owns a CB device, and with the cheaper Chinese models flooding the market. People who couldn't previously afford them now have one. The thing now is, a lot of these devices are locked away unused rather than being put to their intended use. So this weekend we're encouraging everyone who owns a CB device of any description to wear it and show it off.

If you own a device and it doesn't fit you or is no good for any other reason, why not bring it on Sunday and try to sell it to someone it does suit.

If you don't own a CB but would like to, bring some spare cash, someone may have the bargain you're looking for.


Group for men with orgasm control http://groups.yahoo.com/group/chastity4males/

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